Movie Production
Mana brings in a wonderfully equipped team of technicians and creative brains for movie production.
A Passionate Movie Production House
Movie production remains one of the most interesting as well as the most complicated form of creation of entertainment in the world of media. Mana brings in a wonderfully equipped team of technicians and creative brains who with their honest hard work and talents, successfully produces magic in form of movies.
Mana and the Celluloid
Movies deal with issues more deep that what it may apparently look like. It is not just mere entertainment but often aims in developing human consciousness amongst the viewers, thus initiating a responsible role for the well being of individual and society. Entertainment still remains the most important part, and Mana knows exactly what ingredients are required to make it the most entertaining with all its responsibility and values intact.
Produced 4 movies
1. 16 Days (Telugu)
2. Laddam (Tamil)
3. Three Kingdom (Telugu)
4. Love you Ram (Telugu)